NEW John Baxendale OM-18
Top: Adirondack Spruce
Back and Sides: Mahogany
Origin: USA
Price: $8,500
Back and Sides: Mahogany
Origin: USA
Price: $8,500
I was really looking forward to this guitar arriving as I believe, along with many others, that John is building some of the finest guitars available. I own a Baxendale OM of my own and I love it. One of the best OM’s I have had in the shop. So I was curious about how this one was going to hold up to mine. Well it is amazing too! It is so good that I literally thought for a day or so that I would simply keep it for myself. The only reason I did not is I play a custom string spacing of 2 3/16 and this OM is the more common spacing of 2 5/16. That’s great but it would be the only standard spacing guitar I had and I did not want to adjust back and forth. Sooooo, somebody else will luck out and get this and trust me, its an incredible OM.
Factories and even some small builders often slightly over build their guitars to minimize warranty repairs. Still wonderful guitars, but they don’t push the limits for that reason usually. John pushes the limits of what can be done and the volume, tone and voice show it. His wait time is getting close to two years now, so this is a great chance to start playing one tomorrow.
This is the only OM you’ll ever need.