Romanillos Selected Luthier

Claudio Meneghelli – Geuensee, Switzerland

Born in Zürich, Switzerland, I started my professional working life as a precision Mechanical Engineer, however my passion for the guitar led to a career change when I gained a place at the prestigious Conservatory of Music in Luzern, Switzerland, to study classical guitar.

Since my graduation I teach guitar, regularly give concerts, and have made several CD recordings.

I started guitar making in 1997, initially as a self-taught maker, developing techniques from my own research and from examining guitars by great makers such as Romanillos and Hauser.

For four years in succession, from 2001-2004, I was fortunate to be able to attend the guitar making courses held by José and Liam Romanillos in Sigüenza, Spain. This invaluable experience has enlightened my approach to guitar making, and their knowledge, personality, and love for the “Spanish” guitar has had a great influence on me, not only as a builder, but also as a human being.

My methods follow closely those developed by José and Liam, and like them I pay very special attention to the selection and construction of the soundboard, using only the finest spruce available to me. I have a good stock of aged air-dried spruce, mainly from the French area of Switzerland.

Indian Rosewood is usually used for the back and sides, Cedar for the necks, and all instruments are traditionally French polished.

All rosettes and other decorations are individually hand made by myself and designs are frequently changed so that each guitar is unique.

With every guitar that I make, I remember the most important piece of advice given to me by José … “Always try to make a masterpiece!”

– Claudio

To learn more about the honor of being selected a ‘Romanillos Selected Luthier’ CLICK HERE